
Monday, November 23, 2015

Show me the Stuff! Build/Buy Objects in Get Together

I was recently invited to a preview event sponsored by EA for the latest installment in The Sims 4 franchise, Get Together, which comes out in December.  The focus of the game is social interactions and clubs, but if you like to build at all, chances are you want to see all of the new objects and textures that come with the pack. Maybe a bunch of screen shots like this?

Unfortunately, there was so much to check out that I didn't do that.  I was having too much fun trying out all of the objects and seeing how everything worked together to stop and take a picture of every object.  So be aware that these screens are just a small sampling of what comes with the new pack.  There is actually so much more to see than what I can show you.

So let's dive in and see some of the stuff that comes with Get Together!

They have made it super easy to create your own tiny Tudor or magnificent Medieval with a ton of new build buy objects.

(this is a house I made and will load to the Gallery once the game comes out)

The half timbered wall textures come in a large variety of styles allowing you to mix and match to get the look you want:

These textures are so rich and hand-painted looking.  They really bring to mind a Disney like aesthetic.

We have a bunch of awnings, windows, chimneys and other architectural elements that add depth and dimension to your build.  Are you one of those "my houses always look like a box" builders?  Not anymore.  There are plenty of bits and pieces you can add on to give you home flair.

There are a bunch of cool roof ornaments and some new chimneys, as well as a little dormer window object that I adore.  Often times making a dormer with even the shortest wall height makes them look out of proportion to the roof.  These little gems really fix that problem.

Check out the details on those windows!  Aren't they fantastic?

Did you notice that lovely stone foundation texture?

Several new terrain paints

There are disappointingly few new interior walls.  This tile mosaic and the wood slats are about it.  No new painted walls, no new wallpapers, no new paneling.  This continues to be a weak spot in the build buy catalog.  I would really like to see the team do a better job of supplying us with a bunch of new walls and floors with every offering.

There is not much in the way of new floor tiles either. There is a dark gray stone and then the mosaic to match the walls.

I was pleased to see the mosaic has a solid design AND patterned design.  We need more of this kind of thinking.  Any time the team can give us  a basic solid to go along with the patterns, it offers more options for creativity and flexibility.  I would love to have seen a solid plaster wall that matches the half timbered walls, for instance, or a solid field stone wall without the baseboards.  

There are a bunch of new styled rooms available in Get Together.  I took shots of all of them as they really give you a good idea of how the objects look being used.

A disappointment for me is no new beds. I would have loved to see a rustic style kitchen cabinet as well...but there are no kitchen items in this pack.

Most of the rooms come in a few different color ways.

A close up of the clever details on the cafe objects,

You might have noticed that there are are modern objects in the build catalog.  There are several contemporary/modern style objects in this pack that lend themselves to creating a hot, edgy club or a sleek funky hang out.

There are several styles of DJ booths and dance can create a back room industrial hole in the wall kind of club or a cool futuristic place.  The choice is yours!

Wall decor includes some neat transparent wall patterns that look like graffiti and a bunch of new posters.

A word about the new "natural" pools.  They are basically regular pools with stone edging.  You draw them just as you do regular pools.  The difference is that there are several new features such as bubbles and steam you can add to your pool, as well as some cool water effects and plants that can be placed directly in the water. There is also a fun new diving platform that offers your sims a chance to try 4 different dives.  But be careful! One simmie lost their bathing suit after a bad dive.

There are a bunch of large scale pillars, stone chunks and sculptures that can be used for a variety of builds.

Once again, I really wish I had more screen shots to show you...there are some skylight objects, a green house frame, the various water effects( one looks like petals floating in the water!) and some really cool modern sculptures that I was so busy enjoying I just forgot to snap pictures.

Overall, despite a few short comings, I was thoroughly delighted by the objects that come with the Get Together expansion pack.  I truly feel like they will give me a lot to work with as a builder and as a player.


  1. aww Thanks so much Ruth, these are absolutely amazing and very much apppreciated by all us simmers <3

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is awesome, thanks for posting!

  4. there are more objects? that I saw in the trailers more

  5. this package is trash like this website.
