
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Go Home Amazon, You're Drunk

Found this today as I was ordering a new water filter for my refrigerator (ah!  the glamorous life I lead....)  Then I looked a little closer.  That's December of 2014.

Wow.  Makes you EA just playing it safe or have things been pushed back much farther than any of us thought?  If it is pushed back that far, could it be a good sign for those of us still holding out hope for certain features...or am I being overly optimistic?  Probably that second thing.

Logically speaking, no one is going to release a game AFTER the holiday shopping season, so to me, this just means that they have no idea when in 2014 this game is going to be released.  Which means things are still up in the air.  

I don't know about you, but I am more than willing to wait for a quality, smoothly running game with tons of features.  


  1. I also agree with you. Can't wait to play this!

  2. Agar siz yangi boshlovchi bo'lsangiz, leon. bet. ni sinab ko'ring. Bu bukmeyker yangi boshlanuvchilar va professionallar uchun juda yaxshi. Ular eng yuqori reytingga ega va bir necha yillardan beri eng mashhur bukmekerlik idorasi bo'lib kelmoqda. Men faqat ular bilan tikaman va bu menga juda yoqadi. Men hammaga maslahat beraman! Yaqinda bir do'stim u erda juda yaxshi pul yig'di! Hahaha u yaxshi.
