
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My Big "D'oh!" Moment

So if you are a follower...and a handful of you might have gotten an email saying I have a new blog post up about Build Buy.  But I don't.  Not yet anyway.  The embargo is not lifted until 9am pacific time today.  So last night I was reviewing my article...making sure I had all the details covered that I have been chomping at the bit to tell you about....and like a complete doofus I hit "publish" instead of "save".

In my defense, the buttons ARE right next to each other (lol!) and I realized what I did as soon as it happened and went in and immediately deleted the post.  And thank goodness I had it all saved to my clipboard or I think I would have literally had a cow.

So there you have it.  If you are a follower you might have an email that says there is a new blog post but then....PSYCHE!....there is nothing.  That is why.  I have to follow the rules and wait till later on today.
Stay tuned :)

1 comment:

  1. It showed up on my blog feed and thought that might have been the case ;)
