
Saturday, August 24, 2013

The whole Sims 4 graphics issue

Yes, everyone is up in arms about the graphics.  Mostly, I think, because it was expected that the franchise was going towards a more realistic style.  I recall a faked teaser from a year ago that looked almost like a photograph, it was so realistic. I wasn't sure how I felt about that and when I first saw the initial "leaked" images for The Sims 4. I wasn't sure how I felt about this completely different direction either. Having seen about as much of the pre-alpha game as anyone outside of the studio, I can say it is not the game I was expecting at all. 
And that is not a bad thing.

There is no getting around it.  The graphics are cartoony.  There is a definite Disney-esque feel to them. And if realism is what you truly live for, then this might not be the game for you. But if what you love about the Sims is the charm, the humor and the fantasy of being able to be anything...make anything...than I still think this game has tons to offer.  I found that after watching the sims in motion and seeing the game in action, the cartoon aesthetic worked. It looked better in motion and within the context of this new world they have created for these creatures....our inhabit.  In some ways, playing this game will be like directing your own Disney film.  And as a director, I think you will be delighted with the new ways you can cast your actors and design your sets.  

But the point is this: it is a NEW game.  Not an expansion pack of the Sims 3.  It is a whole new game.  And they have decided to take the franchise in a direction that, while controversial to some, has a strong, distinctive look. It is a storybook come to life and you are the author. It wasn't what I was expecting and I wasn't sure I was going to like it. But once I got into it and dropped the preconceived ideas of what I thought it might be, I saw a humor and a twinkle in the eye that have been missing from our sims for a while now.  The cartoon aesthetic feels FUN.  I . for one, am looking forward to immersing myself in this whole new quirky world of The Sims 4.


  1. I have to say the look is growing on me, my hangup is the hair. But I am going to give it a chance for sure, because it looks like they are working really hard on the gameplay. :)

  2. They are, lochness. It was one thing that really struck much they seem to be concerned about making the experience more rich and full....and fun. So many of the decisions seem to be based on what will make the game fun to to to build.

  3. I've always loved taking photos of the Sims expressions and when they do funny things. That is one reason I really believe I will love Sims 4. I am really looking forward to the Sims 4.

    I've been stalking all of you who went to Sims Camp and posted for the rest of us. I had so much fun just watching it all.

  4. Suppose I should have told you who I am. I'm Selahfreeatlast on the Sims forum.

  5. I am definitely excited and will give it a chance! My only hang up is the hair but I can get over that, and from the sounds of it Sims 4 sounds great! I really like that the sims will be more expressive! They do seem to really care about making Sims 4 a fun experience!

  6. I've been playing The Sims since the beginning and to me it feels like TS3 is the odd man out. If you cut it out of the picture, then TS4's graphics make complete sense when compared to TS1 and TS2.

  7. I really like the look of them actually, and I am already thinking of all the film characters I want to try and recreate. The only worry I have as a mad pattern maker is with how much choice do we get as we customize our sims clothes. I will be disappointed if there are limited presets for outfits. I hope the Sims team understand how good modding and custom content creation can be for games, it really extends the appeal and longevity if these things are encouraged. (Look at games like Minecraft and Skyrim for exmaple...still wildly successful and very accomodating to modders and CC creators. Thanks for sharing your experiences x

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  9. I think I could get into it. I can't imagine leaving my Sims 3 sims behind just yet, so I will enjoy them as well. I think a super realistic world would also be very hard for most of the sims fan base's machine's to handle.

    I agree with your comment that this is an entirely new and separate game- as are the Sims 1, 2 and 3 from one another. I plan to enjoy each series for their own unique individuality and game play rules saying you have to leave one for the other!!

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