
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Driving to Dallas for the ON!

Time for the "back to school" check up.  Yup..its 3.5 hours away from where I live...but I have been seeing the same dentist for over 20 years and I don't wanna change!

When we first moved to Austin, we tried a new dentist that was suggested to us by a friend.  He said one of my daughters had 11 cavities and would need extensive work and was more concerned about giving me a payment plan than explaining how she could develop 11 cavities in 6 months.
So I called our old dentist in Dallas and took her in.  No cavities. One spot that needed sealant and that was it.  He showed me the x-rays himself.  Now...we drive over 3 hours for dentist appointments.  It is worth it to me to know I am not being ripped off.  I don't know what would happen if we had an emergency situation...I guess we would have to roll the dice again on a local dentist.  But as long as Dr. Jones is in Dallas, that is where I am going to go.

Hoping the trip will help take my mind of the upcoming Simscamp trip.  I have been getting more nervous/excited as it creeps closer.  Worried about packing properly...worried about the long flight and going stir crazy...worried about using the trains in a foreign country where I do not speak the language. Its a worry fest!  If you have any good packing tips, please let me know.  I have this crazy idea that I can do the whole trip with just a carry on wheelie...and still have room for souvenirs.

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